15 July, 2011

Legitimate Forgery

What does the con man, counterfeiter, or art forger do after he gets caught? He gets his own television show or works with the FBI helping to catch people like him! Television shows like White Collar and films like Catch Me if You Can emphasize the psychological issues that inveterate con men have when forced to work for the power they've always fought, but I'm more interested in the fact that former criminals can have legitimate, lucrative careers doing essentially the same things they did illegally before. John Myatt, for example (pictured above), is a famous British art forger who went to prison in the 90s but now stars in a television series and "Hollywood Film" about art forgery and his own life. His website (which could use some significant grammar editing), claims that his life story is extraordinary, yet suggests that he started forging artists' works for mainly pragmatic reasons. I wonder then, if the reformed con man misses some kind of glamor that comes with criminality, or if it's a relief to be doing a similar activity lawfully. I suspect that each forger has a very different reason for his forgery, so maybe the answer to my question is different for each individual.

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