06 January, 2011

Fake Pregnancy and Baby-Snatching

The woman pictured above is Michelle Marie Gopaul, an aspiring actress who told her friends she was pregnant and then held a fake movie casting call for infants in order to steal one and pass it off as her own. This article explains the story, which has broken in the last few days and is certain to become more detailed and bizarre in the near future. I envision testimonials from friends and the parents of the stolen baby, detailed inquiries into her upbringing, and tearful, overexaggerated apologies (likely on live TV) from Gopaul herself. It's probably just the kind of attention she wanted.

Of course, this type of story is hardly unique; fake pregnancies are all over the internet and translate well to television and film (especially crime dramas). The difference here is the much more rare kidnapping. Most other fakers manage to elicit extra sympathy by losing their nonexistent babies to fake miscarriages or some early infant malady, and then they can start over with a new fake pregnancy a few months later. Perhaps Gopaul actually wanted a baby. Perhaps she even believed herself pregnant for some time. Maybe she was just failing as a model/singer/actress and wanted people to notice her. I imagine the panic that must come with realizing that one's lie is about to be discovered, but I cannot imagine committing crimes to prevent that discovery. I'm interested to hear more about this person.

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